Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Acting General Director of Kosovo Police Mr. Naim Rexha hosted in an official meeting the Head of KP Union Mrs. Valbona Kamberi

Prishtinë, 07 May 2018

Today on 07.05.2018, the acting General Director of Kosovo Police Mr. Naim Rexha accompanied by his staff, hosted in an official meeting the Head of the KP Union Mrs. Valbona Kamberi and Mr.Shaban Tasholli.  

During this meeting there have been discussed various topics in the interest of development and advancing the police organization in various fields. 


Among others a discussion topic has been the issue of welfare of KP employees, which has been qualified as one of the discussion with special interest and necessary for all KP employees. 

They also agreed for a joint engagement and cooperation in this field, to find any possibility or legal solution in cooperation with relevant state institutions, which shall positively affect in the welfare of KP employees. 

Acting Director Rexha thanked the representatives of the KP union for the contribution and their continuous commitment in the syndical aspect.

At the same time it was considered that Kosovo Police remains committed in performing duties, responsibilities conform its Constitutional and Legal mandate.


KP information Office



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