Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

71 police officers are promoted in the rank sergeant

Prishtinë, 4 March 2016

Today, on 04.03.2016, in a ceremony organized in the
facilities of the General Directorate of Police, based on operational needs of
Kosovo Police for police officers, supervisors of the first level, 71 police
officers have been promoted in the rank sergeant. Within this number of police
officers promoted, 62 are male police officers and 9 female police officers.


In the promotion ceremony, there participated the
senior management staff of Kosovo Police led by the General Director Mr. Shpend
Maxhuni and high representatives from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


KP General Director z.Maxhuni among others stated “Kosovo Police is the main
proof showing the professional level, personnel, and technical capacities, and
the maximum commitment towards being strengthened and with the aim of
prevention and detection criminality, keeping public order and safety,
supervision and safety in the road traffic, managing and control of the state
border, as well as performing other duties within the police authorizations”.

             “We will work together, being aware that the future
will bring new challenges, which complexity will continuously change, but I am
confident that you will face them everyday, you will deal with them with courage
and diligence and the achievements and successes will make you stronger”.

            “I invite all of you to be
personally responsible and accountable for your actions performing successfully
all duties you are charged with”.

the deputy Minister of MIA Mr. Mustafa said that Kosovo Police with its work
and commitment managed to be one of the most reliable institutions and for this
the most meritorious are the KP employees.

of police officers was preceded by the success they have shown in tests for the
rank of sergeant in the promotion process held earlier and by the successful
completion of the training “First Line Management” at the Kosovo Academy
of Public Safety. Police officers promoted in the rank of sergeant will serve
in various units of Police as first-line supervisors.

General Statistics: 2025-01-14
Accidents with fatalities
Accidents with injuries
Accidents without injuries
Traffic tickets imposed