Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police


Prishtinë, 2nd October 2014
Informing opinion regarding the untrue article published in the daily newspaper “Koha Ditore”
Kosovo Police, in order to correctly inform the public opinion regarding the article published on (02.10.2014) in the daily newspaper “Koha Ditore”, with the title “Police spends thirteen (13) million Euros for uniforms instead of six (6) millions:, reacts against this untrue article and clarifies the following:
Regarding the project supply with new uniform for Kosovo Police, many analyses were done in order to have quality uniform as well as to achieve financial savings to decrease losses in uniform investments.
Currently, Kosovo Police didn’t receive any decision/notification from OSHP regarding the project of supply with uniform for KP, but we think that the public opinion should be informed correctly about the project in question.
The planning of Kosovo Police in implementation of this project was the realization of frame contract which is related with the budgetary abilities that KP has for equipping its members with uniforms.
For further clarification, according to the budgetary planning for the period of three (3) years (2014, 2015 and 2016), use of budget for supply with clothing was foreseen as follows:
1. Year 2014……………..2,568,347 €;
2. Year 2015……………..2,063,347 €;
3. Year 2016……………..2,068,347 €;
Based on the budget planning for the above mentioned years it is clearly seen that Kosovo Police plans to spend 6,700,041 euro, and not 13 million euro as stated in the abovementioned article.
Therefore, based on the respect to all criteria, instructions and procedures foreseen by law, Kosovo Police evaluates the process of tender for supply with police uniform as a correct one.
With respect,
KP Information Office 

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