Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

A suspect arrested for ‘smuggling with migrants’

On 11.3.2014, Regional Investigation Unit DRPK “West”, Border Police in Gjakovë, after an operational-investigation work in the reported case ‘smuggling with migrants’ dated 6.3.2014, conducted a police operation, where a person has been arrested under the suspicion to have committed the criminal offence ‘smuggling with migrants’. During this police operation, a raid has been conducted in the village Hereq, Municipality of Gjakova and a considerable number of documents have been seized, suspected to have been used in committing the criminal offence ‘smuggling with migrants’. The arrested person is:• D. S. born on 1955 m/sh/k from the municipality of Gjakova As material evidences the following items have been seized: • 21 Yugoslav passports, • 8 passports of the Republic of Kosovo, • 23 ID cards of the Republic of Serbia • 2000 (two thousand) €, cash, suspected to have been received from the victims of smuggling.• 214 birth certificates of the Republic of Serbia • 14 blank certificates issued by UNMIK-u• 3 telephones• 2 Yugoslavian driving licenses and • 1 vehicle registration document This police operation has been conducted and implemented with the order for raid by the Basic Court in Gjakova, Department of serious Crimes. All police actions regarding this case have been conduced under the authorization of the respective prosecutor and the suspect has been imposed the detention measure of 48 hours for further proceedings.  

Statstikat e përgjithshme: 2025-01-14
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