Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

A suspect arrested for ‘abuse of official position’

Prishtinë, 5 March 2014 – Directorate of Investigation of Economic Crime and Corruption, respectively the section of investigation of corruption in Prishtina, today on (5.3.2014) conducted a police operation, where S. A female, Macedonian resident has been arrested with the ground suspicion to have committed the criminal offence ‘abuse of official position or authority’. The Regional unit of Investigation of Economic Crimes and Corruption in Prishtina, on December 2013 received an authorization from the Basic Prosecution of Serious Crimes in Prizren, to conduct the investigations and during the previous investigation, evidences were collected which prove that there is a ground suspicion that the suspect as the an officer in the Kosovo Privatization Agency, committed the criminal offence ‘abuse of official position or authorization’. She has been responsible for accepting letters which come in KPA and abusing with her official position she had exceeded the competences and authorizations, hiding a judgment which has not been forwarded to responsible persons within KPA and as a consequence the delaine of submission of the complaint of 60 (sixty) days to the mentioned judgment had expired, and case the judgment became final. As a consequence of this action, the person who has been in the capacity of the plaintiff in the abovementioned judgment transferred the social property of about 36 (thirty-six) hectares on his name, causing considerable financial damages to the budget of Kosovo. During the investigation it has been proved that the abovementioned suspect signed and sealed the acceptance letter-judgment, actions which are sufficient evidences that the above-mentioned person committed the criminal offence.All police actions regarding this case were conducted in consultation and under the authorization of the respective prosecutor and the suspect had been taken to custody of 48 hours.  

Statstikat e përgjithshme: 2025-01-14
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