Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police


Human Resources Department

Kolonel Taibe Canolli Brajshori
Director of Human Resources Department

Human Resources Department (HRD) is one of the five Departments of Kosovo Police. HRD is responsible for: Implementation of policies dealing with the personnel and training; provides efficiency and effectiveness in managing of human resources within the Kosovo Police; Provides implementation of non-discrimination policies for the police personnel within the Police, including also impartial gender representation, in all fields, levels and to ensure that the structure of personnel reflects the multi ethnic character of Kosovo; To ensure that the recruitment of the Personnel in Kosovo Police is based on the professional qualifications, in competencies and merits, and to develop it in a fair and transparent competition; Provides an efficient system for the management and development of career for the whole police personnel.


HRD through the education and training aims to build a sustainable system which complies with the needs and demands of the users of services. To make sure that everything we do for principles, values and development are in the service of community.


Within the HRD are: Division of Personnel and Administration, Division of Training and Commission of Use of Force, Each division is divided in a number of Directorates and provides administrative function and coordination for the respective activities of Directories. Directorates are divided in sections and administrative units in accordance with the services they provide.


Division of Personnel and Administration

The Division of Personnel and Administration is responsible for development and implementation of the organizational structure throughout KP; implementation of laws, administrative instructions, regulations, principles and SOP-s, in the field of administration in order to enable professional service; Identification and staffing with personnel and promoted staff; Organization of the recruitment process and selection in KP; Monitoring of the training programs for new and promoted police officers; Identification of needs for recruitment of police personnel (police officers and civilian staff); Identification of needs for promotion in rank; Establishment of policies for supporting of KP employees in the health and psychological aspect; Supervision and controlling of the database within the division; takes care for welfare of all employees within KP.


Within the Division for Personnel and Administration are the following Directorates:

  1. Directorate of Personnel;
  2. Directorate for Development of Performance and Career;
  3. Directorate for Internal Services and
  4. Directorate of Health Services.


Directorate of Personnel

The Directorate of personnel is responsible for: Implementation of applicable laws, administrative instructions and regulations dealing with the management of Personnel and to ensure if they are implemented accurately in practice; Identification of needs for the police personnel as well as vacancies in KP; Planning and supervision of the Recruitment and Selection process in KP, to ensure the selection of the personnel according to the position and rank and supplementation of the Organizational Structure of KP.


Directorate of Internal Services

The Directorate of Internal Services is responsible for: Work processes outside official duties and secondary jobs; Drafting and management of contracts for secondary jobs; Translation of official documents within the Police organization; Creation, development and management of the central archive of Kosovo Police.


Directorate for Development of Performance and Career

The Directorate for Development of Performance and Career is responsible for the administration of the promotion process; Preparing the testing material for all stages of testing for all ranks; Provides administrative and logistical assistance and serves as secretary to the promotion Commission throughout the promotion processes; Monitors, manages, and analyzes the performance appraisal process for all categories of work evaluations; Oversees and monitors the implementation of the field training program for new officers; monitors the implementation phases of the program for probation work for all promoted officers.


Directorate of Health Services

The Directorate of Health Services is responsible for: Organization of medical examinations in coordination with the contracted company that provides health services for police officers; Promotion and awareness for a healthy life, counseling and psychological support; Health education through lectures, various campaigns and information flyers; Cooperate with other institutions such as the Ministry of Health, National Institute for Public Health, the Blood Transfusion Center, the Emergency Centers always in function of providing health services for the employees of Kosovo Police.



Training Division


Training Division is responsible for creation of staff through: Qualitative training programs dedicated to the police personnel; Ongoing improvement of curriculums for the training programs according to the operational and training needs; Increase of quality using contemporary methods for teaching and development; Provision of work quality for a better performance and ongoing improvement.

The training philosophy is based in principles that all preparations necessary for performing police duties can be achieved through the ongoing training during the whole career, use of temporary teaching methods, learning and strengthen of cooperation with local and international institutions whose aim is to raise the personnel professionally. This approach is in accordance with the democratic model of performing police duties, based on the best practices of EU in the training field. All the provided trainings starting from those basic, advanced, specialized and of the leadership, are supported in the same philosophy of professional training. The priorities of trainings is the increase and professionalization of training capacities, creation and completion of curriculums, use of contemporary teaching methods, learning and strengthen of cooperation with homologue institutions and other organizations.

Within the Training Division are:


Directorate of Training Support is responsible for administration of trainings, development, modification and creation of new training programs, assessment of trainings and research of needs.


Directorate of Mandatory Trainings is responsible for holding, organization and administration of mandatory trainings.


Directorate for Specialized and Advanced Trainings is responsible for holding, organization and management of specialized trainings, as well as coordination of trainings with other organizations.


Training Division has built a sustainable training and education system which complies with the needs and demands of organization. The training division has prepared 90 types of programs in annual basis, which are held based on the KP needs. Besides the training of police members, the Training Division has assisted and helps actively in training of members of various agencies that provide public safety in Kosovo.


Commission for review of use of force


The commission for review of the use of force is responsible for management and administration of the cases of use of physical force by the police officers


Drejtor i Përgjithshëm i Policisë së Republikës së Kosovës

z. Gazmend HOXHA

General Statistics: 2024-08-13
Accidents with fatalities
Accidents with injuries
Accidents without injuries
Traffic tickets imposed