Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

A suspect arrested for being involved in the criminal offence: “Aggravated Bodily Injury”  



Prishtinë, 18 August 2021

Police of the Police Station (PS) Novobërdë, on 09.08.2021, at about: 20:00, were informed that in the village Zebincë-Novobërdë, respectively at the local road linking the villages Stanishor and Prekoc, a person N.P., born on 1998, male Kosovar, was attacked by unknown persons.

The victim, that night received treatment at the Hospital of Gjilan, about the case the prosecutor on duty was informed and police investigations began immediately in order to identify the suspects.

After intensive investigations, initially by the police officers of the PS in Novobërdë and then by the unit of General Investigations–Gjilan, based on the statement of the victim about being attacked while he was on the road, where unknown persons (two of them went out of the vehicle and the third one stayed at the vehicle), went out of the vehicle and attacked him.

Based on the police investigations, there is the suspicion that it was related to a previous event (several weeks earlier) occurred in a bar in the village Strazhë, respectively a disagreement between the victim and the suspects.

After investigations, police was informed regarding the vehicle involved in the case, the vehicle plates were identified as well as the owner of the vehicle. He has been interviewed, and facing with the findings of the police he admitted to have been involved in the case, but he doesn’t know the other persons involved in the case. In consultation with the prosecutor, with his decision, the suspect is taken to 48 hours custody. The police investigators are continuing the investigations regarding the case.

General Statistics: 2025-01-14
Accidents with fatalities
Accidents with injuries
Accidents without injuries
Traffic tickets imposed