Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

In Kosovo Police there was for an official visit the prime minister of the Republic of Kosovo Mr. Ramush Haradinaj

Prishtinë, 16 May 2019

On 16 May 2019, the prime minister of the Republic of Kosovo Mr. Ramush Haradinaj visited Kosovo Police where important issues were discussed regarding the general safety in the country as well as the welfare of police officers.
The Prime Minister Haradinaj was accompanied by the minister of Finances Mr. Bedri Hamza as well as the minister of Internal Affairs Mr. Ekrem Mustafa, who were hosted in a meeting by the general Director of Kosovo Police Mr. Rashit Qalaj with his cooperators.
In the meeting realized in the facilities of the General Directorate of KP, Mr. Qalaj initially thanked the Prime Minister Mr. Haradinaj about his visit and at the same time through a presentation informed the participants on commitments, activities and realization of objectives of Kosovo Police, who showed positive results in various fields through this period of this year.
Kosovo Police remains committed in realization of its legal duties and responsibilities, in the function of law enforcement with the aim to keep public safety and order in the country.
While the Prime Minister Haradinaj thanked the director Qalaj as well as all police officers of Kosovo for the work they do in securing citizens and their property considering that KP is one of the institutions with the main responsibility to implement the law, public safe and order.
Therefore the Government of Kosovo shall support Kosovo Police in various fields including the necessary logistics equipment, which serve as a means of work in realization of duties efficiently.

KP information office

General Statistics: 2024-06-03
Accidents with fatalities
Accidents with injuries
Accidents without injuries
Traffic tickets imposed