Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Information of Public regarding the false writings, published in some several portals

Prishtinë, 22 September 2014
Information of Public regarding the false writings, published in some several portalsIn order to inform fairly the public opinion regarding some writings published today (on 22.9.2014) in various portals, titled “Some police officers of the special unit refused the arresting of imams?”, Kosovo Police reacts to these false writings and clarifies as following:Kosovo Police has paid special attention the planning and conduction of all police operations, including also the last operations related with the arresting of the suspects for criminal offences against the constitutional order and safety of the Republic of Kosovo, which has been supported and in harmony with all the foreseen legal procedures and orders issued by the State prosecution. Therefore, based in respecting of all the instructions and foreseen legal procedures regarding the conduct of police operations, we clarify that all police officers of all police units who have been involved in the police operations, have participated in conformity with the duties assigned by the operational orders.Therefore, we consider that the public opinion must be informed fairly and correctly, that there has been no refusal on fulfilling the duties or police operational orders by any police officer, including police officers of the specialized units. 

Statstikat e përgjithshme: 2024-06-03
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