Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Causing general danger

Struzhje-Prizren, 18 August
On 18 August, in the afternoon hours, four friends: Lendrim D.; Matej K.;Daniell D and Shpetim Sh. have agreed to go together in a picnic at the “Shtëpia e Malorëve” near Struzhje village, in a mountain over the Prizren town. At about 23:40 the same persons had gone to their preferred place, while they had noticed some residents in that house. Soon, they attempted to be placed in a room of that house but this was impossible and as sign of anger they started to shot in unknown direction where they scared the family in that house. Luckily, another family was resting near the house and concerned from the shots they immediately called the police. A police patrol for Fast Reaction responded the scene immediately; two patrols from the Prizren Police Station and one patrol from Sredska Police station had come very quickly in the scene and found the suspects and seized a Kalashnikov with 91 bullets. Once they brought the suspects at the police station, the state prosecutor was informed about the case and he had signed the decision for detention of four suspects. The weapon and ammunition will be sent to the prosecution for further procedures. 

Statstikat e përgjithshme: 2024-06-03
Aksidentet Fatale
Aksidentet Me te Lenduar
Aksidentet Pa te Lenduar
Tiketa Trafiku Te Shqiptuara
Ne Mbajtje