Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Kosovo Police conducted a wide scale operation in the national level

Prishtina 11th August 2014, After a several months of operational-investigational work in cooperation with State Prosecution, Kosovo Police today (11.08.2014) in the morning hours conducted a wide scale operation in the national level for arresting suspects who participated in the fighting in Syria and Iraq along with the terrorist declared organizations (ISIS and Al-Nusra).This police operation was undertaken while evaluating the risk and importance of national security, protection of the constitutional order, protection of the law and order and in the spirit of protection and respecting the rights of every person guaranteed with the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo.The Republic of Kosovo is known as a country of religious tolerance and for respecting human rights regardless race, religious or gender.During the implementation of this police operation 60 (sixty) locations are raid and 40 (forty) persons arrested, under the suspicion of committing criminal act from the chapter “CRIMINAL ACTS AGAINST THE CONSTITUTIONAL ORDER AND SECURITY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOSOVO” of the Kosovo Criminal Code. Suspects arrested are;• L. R. – (1990) – Prishtina• A. V. – (1991) – Prishtina• Sh.D. – (1962) – Prishtina• H. N. – (1988) – Prishtina• B. K. – (1983) – Prishtina• K. B. – (1986) – Prishtina• A. B. – (1987) – Prishtina• V. K. – (1985) – Prishtina• E. L. – (1994) – Gilane• F. R. – (1978) – Gilane• H. E. – (1971) – Gilane• B. S. – (1992) – Gilane• H. A. – (1994) – Gilane• K. R. – (1989) – Gilane• I . H. – (1993) – Gilane• B. H. – (1976) – Ferizaj• F. D. – (1987) – Ferizaj• Z. B. – (1984) – Ferizaj• A. L. – (1982) – Ferizaj• E. B. – (1978) – Ferizaj• F. B. – (1983) – Ferizaj• B.Sh. – (1982) – Ferizaj• A. B. – (1987) – Ferizaj• M. B. – (1988) – Ferizaj• J. B. – (1990) – Ferizaj• I . M. – (1989) – Ferizaj• S. H. – (1973) – Prizren• F. K. – (1982) – Prizren• I . R. – (1977) – Prizren• M.B. – (1984) – Prizren• K. B. – (1981) – Prizren• B. L. – (1978) – Peja• B. I. – (1987) – Peja• M. H. – (1961) – Peja• B. K. – (1988) – Peja• A. I. – (1978) – Mitrovica• S. K. – (1975) – Mitrovica• V. G. – (1983) – Mitrovica• J. H. – (1975) – Mitrovica• S. S. – (1981) – MitrovicaWhile, as a material evidence are seized incriminating materials related with acts for which these persons are suspected including explosive materials, weapons are ammunition of various calibers as well as other evidences related with the case.The Police of the Republic of Kosovo through this press release wants to notify its citizens for the risk threatening everybody who chooses to join suspect organizations operating in the territory of Syria and Iraq, where until now there is a number of 16 (sixteen) persons from RKS who are said to have been killed.A great number of these organizations are declared Terrorist Organizations by the international bodies and from national institutions, therefore knowing the risk that these persons undertake to go in these combat areas; Kosovo Police calls all citizens not to fall prey of temptations and false promises and for every such case to inform the Police. In contrary Kosovo Police, based on the legal mandate, will undertake all measures to prevent and combat every form of violent extremism, inclusion of individuals in criminal activities in organization and terrorist groups inside and outside Kosovo, as well as all those who in any way support, finance, recruit or incite national, race ors religious hatred.Regarding this police operation 2 (two) persons are arrested as well, for obstruction of performing official duty and attack against the official person, who by the decision of the competent prosecutor are released in regular procedure.The police operation is ongoing.  

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