Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Information of the public regarding some articles published in several portals and in a newspaper for the Police Competition

 Prishtinë, 01 June 2014-In order to inform rightly the public regarding the published writings on 01.06.2014 in several portals and a newspaper “Blic” that holds the title “PDK uses the Police competition for votes” Kosovo Police reacts against these false writings and clarifies as following:Kosovo Police has paid a special care to all the important processes for the institution, and in this case even for the process of vacancy announcement for admission of police officers according to the conditions and criteria competition, which process is monitored by the international partners of EULEX.Planning for the important processes such as the competition for admission of police officers, are mainly made based in evaluations, long-term planning for the police personnel, in order to fulfill the needs of police organizational structure and will be managed by Kosovo Police. This competition as other competitions opened in previous years are based in the Law on Police, article 44, Administrative Instruction 07/2012, on the Work Relationship in Kosovo Police, Chapter III, and Article 5, paragraph 2.1, and are not linked with any other issue including those political. This process is also prepared based on the standards and criteria foreseen for the recruitment, criteria which are similar with those of EU countries.Therefore based on these, we consider that the public opinion should be informed right and correct, because the whole competition process is realized in fully harmony with the law and long-term planning conducted by the Kosovo Police, and which is no way linked with any other issue even with political issue as pretended in the writings in portals and newspaper in question.

Statstikat e përgjithshme: 2024-06-03
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