Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Two suspected persons arrested for “misuse of position or official authority” and “Legalization of false content”

Prishtinë, 29 April 2014
Regional Unit for Investigation of Economic Crimes and Corruption in Prizren, after several-monthly investigations, today at about 14:00, have conducted a police operation which has resulted on arresting of two suspected persons.
The suspected persons are:

1. B. J. born in 1976 ,
2. R. G. born in 1963,
The suspects in cooperation have committed the criminal offences “misuse of position or official authority” Article 422 and “Legalization of false content” Article 403, of the Kosovo Criminal Code, by misusing the financial tools in amount of 11.988 € (eleven thousand nine hundred eighty eight euro)It is suspected that these financial tools were realized by legalizing school certificates without certifying them in legal basis, as well as changing the grades in school diaries (it is suspected that only in the diaries of two classes for 2009 – 2010 were changed 139 grades)By the order of the Prosecutor of the basic prosecution against the suspects was imposed the detention measure of 48 hours.  

Statstikat e përgjithshme: 2024-06-03
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