Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Information of the public regarding the deputy’s statement Burim Ramadani to the media

Prishtinë, 29 April 2014
Kosovo Police for the sake of the right information of the public, after publishing of the statement to the media of the deputy Mr. Burim Ramadani that, Kosovo Police and Kosovo Intelligence Agency is at war, Kosovo Police explain as following:Kosovo Police as a responsible institution for the security of the country, estimated that we have a very good and professional cooperation with the Kosovo Intelligence Agency, thing that has contributed to have a safer, quiet and stable situationRegarding the recent developments, Kosovo Police estimates that regardless the function or position that an officer may have within the institutions, the responsibility is individual and this does not reflect in the institutional cooperation between the Kosovo Police and Kosovo Intelligence Agency. Kosovo Police appreciates the cooperation level with the Kosovo Intelligence Agency and is committed to continue the cooperation in order to guarantee the national security and rule of law.  

Statstikat e përgjithshme: 2024-06-03
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